Dora Hawkins

  • When To Rent A Mobile MRI Scanner Trailer As A Physician

    If you are a physician, then you might use MRI scanners on a regular basis when providing care for your patients. You might have your own MRI equipment in your office, so the idea of renting an MRI scanner might have never really been something that you looked into.  Hosting Mobile Services You might traditionally provide care to your patients in an office setting. Now, though, you might be thinking about hosting a mobile clinic. [Read More]

  • A Digital Bottle Cap Will Help You Keep Track Of Doses And Monitor Your Medication Supply

    Taking a prescription pain medication may be necessary if you have recently undergone surgery on your leg. The last thing you need to worry about is missing a dose, taking too much medication, or having someone tamper with your medication without your knowledge. If you secure a digital medication bottle cap to your pill bottle, you will be aware of when to take your next dose of medication and if anyone has opened your bottle without your consent. [Read More]

  • You Should Have Listened To Your Mother: Tips For Dealing With Regrettable Tattoos

    Many people currently have tattoos they regret, whether it is the name of a former partner, a misspelled quote, or symbolic of gang affiliation. Finding ways to make the tattoo less obvious, especially when it is in a conspicuous area, can be challenging but not impossible. Utilize Makeup Since any steps to remove a tattoo can be a lengthy process, you will need to figure out ways to conceal the tattoo in the meantime. [Read More]

  • Debunking Myths: 3 Reasons To Stop Avoiding Palliative Care

    Although palliative care is not a new branch of medicine, there remain misunderstandings about palliative treatments that can make it harder to manage a serious illness. Palliative care is one of the best options to improve your quality of life.  1. Palliative Care Is Not Hospice Some people tend to equate palliative care with hospice. Although many people who are in hospice also receive palliative care, they are not synonymous. Hospice care is exclusively for people with a serious illness that has progressed to a point where their life expectancy is six months or less. [Read More]

  • Why Intraoperative Monitoring Of Canine Vital Signs Is Crucial

    If your dog will be undergoing a surgical procedure, chances are that it will require the use of general anesthesia. Veterinary anesthesia systems are used to administer the proper type and amount of anesthesia for your pet based on weight, age, and current health status. While your dog is under anesthesia, the veterinarian will monitor its vital signs carefully because failure to do so may result in a poor prognosis. Here are some reasons why intraoperative monitoring of your dog's vital signs is crucial to its health: [Read More]

  • Considering A Digital X-Ray Machine For The Office? Reasons You Need To Get One

    If you have a medical office or practice and you are interested in offering x-ray options on location so you can figure out what is going on with your patients faster, there are many great transportable options to look into. Set a budget and start looking at the different machines that will be the best for your workspace and patient load. There are many different mobile machines that you can take in and out of the rooms, and styles based on the type of x-rays you will be taking each day. [Read More]

  • Medical Equipment Repair: Devices That Need The Best Repairwork Money Can Buy

    There are medical machines that are vital to human survival. Then there are machines that hospitals can do without if need be. Knowing which machines and medical equipment are most important as well as which ones need to be prioritized above others, is valuable knowledge and a skill to any hospital. The following medical equipment repairs should be placed highest on your hospital's list when your hospital has a lot of equipment that needs repair. [Read More]

  • Having Problems With Your New Laser Scanning Microscopy Machine? What To Know

    If you have invested the money in a laser scanning microscopy machine for your medical office or laboratory and you aren't sure how to preserve it in the best way possible or how to make sure that it lasts the longest it possibly can, there are some things to keep in mind. You want to know what type of service package comes with the machine when you buy it and how you can keep the machine in the best condition possible. [Read More]

  • Tips For Preparing Your Home Dialysis Space

    If you or a loved one will soon be starting home dialysis to sidestep having to go to a dialysis center multiple times each week for treatment, then you will need to prepare a special space in your house for the necessary supplies and machinery. While your at-home dialysis training will include specific information about the requirements for setting up the area in your home you will use for treatments, you can get a head start by following each of these tips: [Read More]